Biosimilar Month


The initiative of theBiosimilar Month” Its objective is to disseminate the added value that biosimilar medicines have for health systems through a series of activities related to training and information for health professionals, administration, patients and citizens in general. Health professionals, patient associations, scientific societies, professional associations, the pharmaceutical industry and health administration have collaborated in it, our gratitude is directed to all of them for their disinterested and proactive collaboration.

Throughout this month of November we will try to disseminate and share information that allows a better knowledge of the added value that biosimilar medicines bring to health systems; a value that goes beyond the important contribution to the sustainability of the National Health System and that allows more patients to access biological drugs of quality, safety and proven health results.

The initiative also incorporates actions that will be coordinated with international proposals such as the Global Biosimilar Week and the European Biosimilar Week that will be held from November 16 to 20, 2020.

We trust that the activities that take place throughout this month will be of the greatest interest and we encourage you to join them with the hashtag “#mesdelbiosimilar”.

Encarnación Cruz Martos
General Director of BioSim


🤔 Do you know what is a biosimilar medicine?

💊 It is a biological medicine that is developed in the most possible way to a biological other authorized in Europe.

✅ L'ús de biosimilars facilitates l'accés dels pacientes a determinats tractaments.

@salutcat #mesdelbiosimilar

Friday ended the #mesdelbiosimilar

We want to thank all of you for your involvement, sharing and creating content for this awareness campaign.

Together we have generated an enriching dialogue.

(Medical Newspaper) III National Conference on Biosimilars (November 27): biosimilars have already saved more than 2.300 million euros and will save another 2.800 by 2022. @BioSim_es #mesdelbiosimilar undefined

💊November is the #mesdelbiosimilar and today is its World Day.

Do you know what biosimilar and biological medicines are and what they provide?

We tell you in this infographic ⬇️

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III National Conference on Biosimilars

Towards a Biosimilar Strategy for the National Health System

Virtual Conference November 27, 2020 - 9:30-13:30

Round table XNUMX:
Biosimilar medicines: A tool for sustainability

SEFH-BioSim Awards

Round table XNUMX:
Successful experiences in promoting biosimilars as a clinical management measure

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