The Spanish Association of Biosimilar Medicines - BioSim has promoted the organization of a scientific conference on biosimilar medicines developed in collaboration with the Junta de Extremadura, and which was inaugurated by the Minister of Health and Social Policies, José María Vergeles. The session took place on Wednesday, October 3, in the assembly hall of the Hospital de Mérida, and was attended by the president of BioSim, Joaquín Rodrigo.
The conference program included the presentations "General concepts of biosimilars", by Gonzalo Calvo, head of the Clinical Pharmacology Service of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, and "Clinical aspects of the use of biosimilars", presented by María José Cuadrado, head of the Rheumatology Service of the Clínica Universitaria de Navarra.
In it, the Minister of Health and Social Policies, José María Vergeles, urged medical professionals to prescribe biosimilar medicines because "they have scientific evidence" and are less expensive than the original biologics, which is why they constitute an element of sustainability of the public health system and 'allow new resources to be devoted to other needs'. Vergeles proposed further reflection to increase its use and stated that conferences like this "are good for clearing up doubts about its prescription."